Pytorch Scribbles

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PyTorch Scribble Pad

This page is a collection of notes and tips for myself in getting familiar with the workings of PyTorch.

1. Transfering Weights

If you have a pretrained network A with some layers A:{x,y,z} and you have a new network architecture with some layers B:{w,x,y,z,a}, and you wish to transfer weights learned from network A for layers {x,y,z} to B, you can do it using the following:

pretrained_model_weights = torch.load('../path/model.pth')
new_model_weights = model.state_dict()
pretrained_model_weights = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_model_weights.items() if k in new_model_weights}

2. Transferring Weights and Distributed Training

I use different shared machines with multiple GPUs and often use different GPU ids on different days based on availability. I also occasionally switch between multi-gpu training and single-gpu training etc. I noticed that the nn.DataParallel class can be a bit tricky to navigate for such usage conditions, specially if you’re not aware of how models are saved to file, which I wasn’t at the time.

If you’re training a model on a multi-gpu setup and save the model naively, you are unknowingly appending a “module” tag to the state_dict elements present in the model parameters key-value store, and it appears that this assumes some implicit binding to specific GPUs (I could be wrong?). But if you naively try to load and run this model on a different multi-gpu setup, you will notice an error that says a specific tensor is meant to run on a specific GPU. We don’t want that.

What the error message looks like:

RuntimeError: Expected tensor for argument #1 'input' to have the same device as
tensor for argument #2 'weight'; but device 0 does not equal 1 (while checking
arguments for cudnn_convolution)

The easiest suggested fix is to iterate through the model state_dict key-value store and remove the “module.” binding like this:

pretrained_model = checkpoint['model']
new_model = SomeNetwork()
from collections import OrderedDict
new_model_dict = OrderedDict()
for k,v in pretrained_model.state_dict().items():
    # Drop the "Module." characters from the name
    name = k[7:]
    new_model_dict[name] = v
